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Inria | Raweb 2013 | Exploratory Action
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Section: Software and Platforms

iProver Modulo

iProver Modulo is an extension of the automated theorem prover iProver originally developed by Konstantin Korovin at the University of Manchester. It implements Ordered polarized resolution modulo, a refinement of the Resolution method based on Deduction modulo. It takes as input a proposition in predicate logic and a clausal rewriting system defining the theory in which the formula has to be proved. Normalization with respect to the term rewriting rules is performed very efficiently through translation into OCaml code, compilation and dynamic linking. Experiments have shown that Ordered polarized resolution modulo dramatically improves proof search compared to using raw axioms. iProver modulo is also able to produce proofs that can be checked by Dedukti, therefore improving confidence. iProver modulo is written in OCaml, it consists of 1,200 lines of code added to the original iProver.

A tool that transforms axiomatic theories into polarized rewriting systems, thus making them usable in iProver Modulo, has also been developed. Autotheo supports several strategies to orient the axioms, some of them being proved to be complete, in the sense that Ordered polarized resolution modulo the resulting systems is refutationally complete, some others being merely heuristics. In practice, autotheo takes a TPTP input file and transforms the axioms into rewriting rules, and produces an input file for iProver Modulo.

iProver Modulo and autotheo have been developed by Guillaume Burel. iProver Modulo is released under a GPL license.

iProver Modulo entered CASC-24, the competition of Automated Theorem Provers held during the 24th CADE conference, in the first-order theorem division, using autotheo to orient the axioms of the problems.